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June 21st 1890. Saturday
This morning at half past six I was up dressed and quite ready to start.  The train left at 7.15 and arrived in Liverpool at 10:45.  Now the tug for the steamer left the dock at 12 so this would have been a too risky thing to do if we had not had a private tug.  And so it proved, for we only got to the dock after the usual tug had gone.
Mr. and Miss Winthrop, who are to cross with us, came on the special tug.  Although I though it would rain when we were on the train it did not, so it was almost
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nicer than last time we started, but then from New York.  Of course for me the feeling is much nicer to be going home than away from home.
The ship left at just one after which we had lunch.  This is not really a start in my idea, for as we stop again at Queenstown, it is from there that we really sail.
The day has passed very quickly what with reading, walking, thinking and watching the people it always does, I think.  I have found some really interesting people.  First there is a man about 26 with a black beard and mustache.