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June 23 1890. Monday.
The sun was shining brightly this morning and I spent more of my time in walking about with Alfred (Franklin is sick) and sitting down, and in being rather annoyed by two small boys. One G. T. Baker Jr was very complementary and when I said what he said was not true [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] he said it was, which made quite a row. I read and fooled away the rest of the day. Run 442. Very good
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June 24th 1890. Tuesday
This morning I amused my self with [[underline]] those [[/underline]] boys. They sang a serenade and we looked at the steerage passengers dance and amuse themselves for money after they had finished they gave three cheers for the Cabin passengers and then for "Mr Vanderbilt" It was very amusing. I read Pickwick Papers some in the afternoon, but did not have any thing to say to the boys for Mama does not want me to talk to them. Our run