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September 14th 1890. Sunday.
Monday I bathed, drove and had my painting lesson.
Tuesday the boys had made up another party.
It consisted of (who rode on the omnibus) Toto Wetmore, Stanley Whitney, George & Dick Loillard, Willie Kent, Waldof Astor, Willie Vanderbilt, Philip Carrol, Bertie Geolet & Regi. Willie Post, Arthur [[?]], Alfred and myself rode. 
The ride out was very amusing, the boys on the omnibus shouting & screaming and ma[[strikethrough]]king[[/strikethrough]]de believe we were indian and cow boys.
They shot us about a thousand times, but we lived through it all.
After I had dressed I began
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fixing the table, while the boys fooled around.
I noticed a way they had of doing very funny:
They would all be sitting quietly on the lawn and one would say: "Why ever is last to the piazza is a monkey". They would all start of at their best. Almost always poor little Dick was last. They then would all call him a monkey until someone made another remark.
Lunch was very amusing, the boys talked and made a lot of noise, while I helped serve. After it was all over we played Old Bachelor's Kitchen, which kept them quiet a short time.
They they started on their