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hunt, it was much more amusing this time as there were more fellows.  They came home worn out, and we fed them on ginger ale and cider.  But they had another hunt all the same and then came home and played prisonners base. 
We left again for home at four.  The little boys pilled on the omnibus, and when I was mounted Virginia wanted to start so I walked slowly along out of the gate; Willie joined me, and Alfred called out "There he goes, always with Gertrude"
We laughed back at them but that was all: As we were going out the gate with Alfred and
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Arthur close behind. Willie said looking at me very seriously: "Miss Gertrude you look so well riding, really you do"
"Willie why will you say those sort of thing?" I answered "I know you don't mean it and people never look well on horseback because when they get warm everyone looks so ugly. "Don't you think"
"Yes, usually" he said "but you really don't look ugly, oh no, you just have a healthy color."
I said I did not agree but he still insisted I looked well on horseback. 
We went on for some time talking of little things