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[[preprinted]] 32
Thursday Feb 1 [[/preprinted]]
Coasting again great!  I went over the road for the first time.  Also I went coasting at night after dinner. Jack and Roy Willis made a bobsled and here it is
[[image of two bobsleds - one has a small sign with DEL's on it and the other has a small sign with Mac on it with the word 'LATER' written next to it]]
[[in script is writing]] Motorman & Conducter R.R. Railroad
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[[preprinted]] 33
Friday Feb 2 [[/preprinted]] 
Best coating we've had yet.  I went as far as the brook to-day - record for me. Lamby brought his Flexible Flyer bob down and started up on top of the hill came down to our hill, went over Bee's bob and ripped it all to pieces. He was going some too. I had to go back to school this afternoon for nothing.
[[image of large bob sled with three figures. First passenger lying on stomach on front, next passenger sitting on back with knees drawn up, and last passenger kneeling on back coming down a hill.]]
Lamby's bob.