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[[preprinted]] 34
[[preprinted]] Saturday Feb 3 [[preprinted]]
I went coasting all day.  Quite a bunch came to-day.  I bought a new rope for my sled.  Liver brought a pair of skiis down and went sppilling on them.
Last year in the 8th grade our teacher was Mr. Herr [[written over]] on.  He'd get mad as easy as p[[written over]] y [[^ insertion 1]] e [[pie]].  When he did he knashed his tooth, brandish his [[insertion ^ eyes]] and bring him book down whack on the desk.  When writing on the blackboard something would make him mad[[crossed out]] e[[crossed out]] suddenly [[crossed out]] and [[crossed out]] the chalk would be whacked to dust on the board.  In his jaws a bone went up and [[crossed out]] out [[crossed out]] down  like a [[insertion ^ round]] wave on the sea.
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{{preprinted}} 35
[[preprinted]] Sunday Feb 4 [[preprinted]]
A couple of inches of snow fell and spoiled the coasting.  I staid in all day and at 4 o'clock I went out and coasted a little, the snow partly shovelled away.  Afterwards we we went up to the Goodrich's reading.
I've got a calendar which tells the weather for each day like: stormy, rain etc.  Most of them are wrong because I guess it's guess work.