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Wednesday Feb 7 [[/preprinted]]
Went coasting again. Quite a bunch came to-day. A couple of us played we were pirates and jumping on sleds. Don hurt Eddy Eliots arm doing so we stopped. Jut, Eliot Wright and took a sled and had a lot of going down piling on each other every time. Then each of us got some where on the runners to spill. Don Jut and I made a bob and every ride I got the worst of it. We snapped the and just skinned getting run over. One time I went hartly into a tree.
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Thursday Feb 8 [[/preprinted]]
The coasting track is all icy now. It was great. Cushat, Jut and I, later Will took four sleds and lashed them together two abreast and two deep. We went down that way and it was swell. We went good speed two. It was like a raft. One crack Will kicked me in the nose and cheek both at once. A few times we were scared awful when we aimed right for a few trees but we went safely passed. Don, Jut and I bobbed our sleds and coasted down. It was Don today who got the worst luck for hurts. Mine yesterday, Jut to-morrow