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[[preprinted]] 40 [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] Friday Feb 9 [[/preprinted]]
The coasting was fine again. I can't go over the road yet alone but I ought to. I [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] fastened on the rear end of a sled bob with my bob. I got swung around sideways and every old way. Another bob two sleds abreast and three long went. Jut and I were on the rear on my sled and when we got to the bottom of the hill we swung around and Jut and I went keeling over on one runner scraping and bruising us and the ground. Jack Wilson, Will & I made a three abreast bob again. It went finely.
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[[preprinted]] 41 [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] Saturday Feb 10 [[/preprinted]]
Too cold to-day. Jut and I beat the drum over at his house for a part of the morning. But in the afternoon we went coasting. Pratt, Will, Jut & I took four sleds and put two behind one another and [[strikethrough]] two four [[/strikethrough]] two fastened along on each side. The first time it went fine, but on the second we skidded around being so icy. I fell off doing it and Jut's sled was busted. We went into the drug store and harnby was in there acting. He's fine funny. He looked around for a flea up and down which was not there. He pretended one of his fingers were gone and was counting them to see if it were. The coasting back is swell icy.