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[[preprinted]] 42
 Sunday Feb 11 [[/preprinted]]
I went to Sunday School first of all. The Morses newlyweds came from Elizabeth for dinner.  The coasting was the
[[margin]] FOR ILLUSTRATION SEE PG. 37 37[[/margin]]
same. Cushat, Will, R. Powers, I and a few others, 6 sleds made a bob 2 abreast with Cushat's sled and himself projecting out in front. We went finely for about an hour when a couple of big boobs came came along and ended it. The thing spun around on circles on the ice then went straight into a tree. Cush went right into the tree sideways, with his sled. They were going good too. I did'nt go that  time but my sled did and it got bent and broken in a few places. We all went to the Goodrich's reading afterwards.
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[[preprinted]] 43 
Monday Feb 12 [[/preprinted]]
Holiday. Lincoln's birthday. I fixed up and repaired my sled and then I went out coasting. Something is the matter with my sled it doesn't steer as well. Nothing very exciting done except when R. Powers was steering down the bob and ran full speed into a tree. He stunned his knee pretty badly and he was taken home on my sled. I had quite a few rides on the big bob and had narrow escapes on a few sleds.