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[[preprinted]] 74
Thursday Mar 14 [[/preprinted]]
[[image - drawing of a pistol.]]
[[image - drawing of a person, with a caption: "No holdup by Jack"]] 
It is my fourteenth birthday. I got a wizard [[strikethrough]] water [[/strikethrough]] liquid pistol, a photograph album and Plasticine Modelling set. Lloyd and Winton came for lunch. We played with the water pistol and I soused Lloyds face sadly. I went up to Pratt's a while and Neville and I had work the pistol. Jut squirted the Berg's stableman in the face and he ran after him and me too. Jack Wilson came along and got dancing a jig in the middle of the road with the pistol and an auto truck came along. He pointed the harmless pistol at the man and the driver began to holler something mad. I guess he thot it was a holdup. We squirted water on a bunch of kids. Don Blankhorn and I played [[played is written on top of a word that is illegible]] marbles up at the street corner and won about 20 off me. You know I'm a rotten player.
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[[preprinted]] 75
Friday Mar 15 [[/preprinted]]
Hard rainy day. I pasted some photos in my album. Later in the afternoon I went down to the brook where I found a couple of kids. The brook has risen again but not as high as it was Wedensday. We played around and looking at it. A few kids fell in puddles and we all got stuck in the sand. Jack Wilson came around with no boots on and was wading in the water and splashing in it. I got all sopping wet so I came home & dried off.