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[[pre-printed page number]] 4 [[/pre-printed]] [[pre-printed]] Thursday Jan 4 [[/pre-printed]] I studied till about 2.30 [[written over]]when [[written over]]Lloyd came down and we went skating down at the outlet. The ice was covered a little with snow so it was not so good. I could skate a great deal better than last Monday. Quite a few boobs came. There is good skating over at Kingsland's too I saw. There is one boob with a funny long neck and a stupid whose name is Whitbeck. He skated the first time in his ^ [[insertion]] life [[/insertion]] on Monday. The kids all teased him yesterday and to-day so he gets mad and falls down. [[image - ink sketch at bottom of page showing skate blades and an arrow pointing to them beside the caption: MY SKATES]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[pre-printed page number]] 5 [[/pre-printed]] [[pre-printed]] Friday Jan 5 [[/pre-printed]] Quite cold to-day. Temperature 10° - 16° and an awful stinging and cutting wind. In the afternoon Lloyd came down and partly we staid indoors on account of the great tropical heat outside. We fooled around, most of the afternoon. I held my breath 1 minute and 15 seconds. First I sat down in a chair motionless then when 40 seconds passed I hopped and ran around through the rooms till all was done. Ex-admiral Robert Evans, "Fighting Bob" died yesterday from an illness of two hours caused by acute indigestion.