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[[preprinted]] 10
 Wednesday Jan 10 [[/preprinted]]  
At 2:30 I skated down along the rode to Kingsland's pond. It was slick as glass and as smooth as glass. I can skate better each time I go. After while quite a big bunch came after a while. The big fellows skated classy all going along hitching on to each other. Prattie came. He can't skate because he has only skated a few times in his life.
My subjects in school are
Latin I
Algebra I
English I
Ancient History I
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Thursday Jan 11 [[/preprinted]]
I went coasting up in Nutley Park. All covered with ice. Jut and I went down on my sled. We went about 30 miles an hour. Later Merril Wright and I went over on Nutley Avenune. Starting up at the top the hill and going as far as the Passaic River, a distance of about ⅓ of a mile. We coasted down there twice and it was great  The Passaic r. is all frozen over. I guess it is skatable. After a while Don Blankhorn with his pop gun went up to Wright's and played pool. Ice is all over the sidewalks and roads. Slippery as the dickens.
* Little (darkie) with (nothing) over him =
Little (dark-E) with (zero 0) over him