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[[preprinted]]  14
Sunday Jan 14  [[/preprinted]]
Quite cold to'day
Also in the house.
I went to Sunday
School in the morning.
After accomplishing that
important factor
I returned home,
studied and read
the "Last of the Mohicans"
At 4:30 I went to
the Goodrichs'
reading.  Mr.
Goodrich read
"The Wreck of the Hesperus."
"The Hunting
of the Snark." a
funny poem, another
poem and
"Kate Bonnet" by
Stockton.  Stockton
and Bunner, noted
writers used to live in Nutley.
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[[preprinted 15
Monday Jan 15  [[/preprinted]]
More snow on the ground.
In the afternoon I went
up to the Goodrichs' and
got Lloyd down.  The
snow is fine for packing.
We dumped snow
all over each other for
a long while.  Great
Sport.  Made a snow
spiral around a tree.
It looks like a barbar's
pole.  Jut came
around and in the
snow we made labyrinth
tag paths around
and played tag
in them.  I was "it"
most of the time.
I tried to get wood
for skis at the sawmill
but they had no good
pieces.  I received two
letters from Winton
George of Ithaca
N.Y. today; typewritten