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[[preprinted]]  16
             Tuesday Jan 16  [[/preprinted]]
I did my studying after lunch and then I boot[[?]] my boots on and took out my sled. Jut and I waited for a hitch on a sleigh but mostly we couldn't catch them. Finally we got one behind Schaafs wagon and rode quite a-ways. I let go twice for nothing and had to run a long ways each time. It got to be quite cold later so we came down to my house to play checkers.
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[[ written vertically along left edge of page]] Reginald Marsh [[/written vertically]]
[[preprinted]]  17
               Wednesday Jan 17  [[/preprinted]]
Jut and I coasted down an awful steep place, Down the railroad bank. It  is quite steep. It takes a second to go down. It was great. Oover at Nutley Park [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] the coasting wasn't much good. A bunch of kids were going down on a sled covered with a crate about 9' x 9'. They would all drop off and then jump up and on again. Down at Jut's house we ate apples and played dominos.