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[[preprinted]] 20 
          Saturday Jan 20 [[/preprinted]] 
Some swift coasting now in Nutley Park. In the morning I coasted some but not much. In the afternoon Jut and I went over to the resevoir, about a mile from here to skate. It was swell. The weather was warm and the ice was perfect. I can skate better now. Jut bought a hockey stick and we skated up and down the pond played a little hockey and got sore and and sore backs. We skated all the way across the golf course. 
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[[preprinted]] 21
             Sunday Jan 21  [[/preprinted]] 
I did'nt go to Sunday School this morning but in the afternoon Jut and I went skating over at the resevoir. It was slick and a big crowd was there skating and looking on. 5 Germans were there skating fancy in circles. A bunch of fellows would "snap the whip" in a long line hanging on to each other. Some boobs about 20 of them took hold of hands and skated along and snapped the whip. I skate [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] better every time I go.