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[[preprinted]] 22 [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] Monday Jan 22 [[/preprinted]]
Had a Latin exam in school this morning. I jumped out at 10:20 and free for the rest of the day. 
[[Image: Sketch of boy's head and hat in left margin]] Jut's new hat
[[Image: Sketch of Boy in profile in right margin]] HERB WHITBECKS ON HIS SKATES
At 3:30 Jut & I went skating over at the resevoir again. I skate better every day I go. I've learned to grind the bar, skate backwards and a couple of other things. A big bony fellow called Herb Whitbeck was skating there. He is the funniest bone. He falls down when skating all the time. He rather skates on the side of his feet rather than [[insert just above line]]on[[insert just above line] his skates
[[image: sketch of boys skating in a line. One boy at left facing backwards, six other boys holding each other around waist or shoulders pushing forwards boy at left ]] THIS IS THE WAY THE KIDS GO DOWN AT THE RESEVOIR
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[[preprinted]] 23 [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] Tuesday Jan 23 [[/preprinted]]
Lloyd and I had no school to-day on account of having no examinations. We went skating at the ice pond. It was thawing and was all covered with puddle. One kid fell in the creek all over in one foot of water. He stumbled and fell in it. After lunch Ma made me take invitations all over town for something or other. I got 25¢ for it and I ought because I got some of the invitations wet. I studied for exams to-night.
50° to-day.
At 7:35 we ran to a fire over on the other side of our school. It was some poor fellow's house burning nearly all down. The firemen got it out after played the hose on inside & out. At the same time we same a big fire to the south, the Isolation Hospital.