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[[preprinted]] 26 
                Friday Jan 26 [[/preprinted]]
No school to-day for me. In the afternoon Jut and I went to New York and saw the the kinemacolor moving pictures of the Coronation of George V last June. First they had rambles through London. Unveiling Queen Victoria Memorial, Review of troops by the Kaiser and the king. Orphan drill, Garter Investiture of the Prince Wales, Indian encampment at Hampton Court, Egypt is sunsets there, Royal Horseshow at Richmond, Coronation fashions, Peers & Peeress's, Regalia of Empire in Procession, Coronation Procession, and Naval Review. The naval review had our Deleware in it. It had the king and Prince crowned. The soldiers had great uniforms on. They had Royal Coaches, the Kaiser & the King and all the Royal bunch. Princes of Whales had a crown on. Remember, it was all in color. 
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[[preprinted]] 27 
                Saturday Jan 27 [[/preprinted]]
Snow about 5 inches deep fell. Coasted out by the house all day. We had a lot of fun in a little bathtub dragging it along. Also we piled one sled on top of another and going down that way. The bob-tail goes all-right now. It goes all the way down the hill. In the afternoon quite a bunch came down and coasted sometimes 5 on a racer. The two Blankhorn kids had a swell fight with Pratt for washing faces. The Blankorn kids punched and clung, wrestled and got sore at Pratt and then they began to bawl. Pratt didn't hurt them any & he didn't ball.