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[[preprinted]]  28
               Sunday Jan 28  [[/preprinted]]
I went to Sunday school in the morning because I hadn't to. Swell coasting out by our house. A quite a bunch came to-day. Bea brought his brought his bob and we had a lot of good rides on it. I steered once. 
[[image: drawing of a man's head]]
PG 11 *
[[image: two stick figures at each side of page with arrows shooting up and over the following text and down to the left figure]]
   You see that is his motto. After he got it said, he scratched his head, thought it over and said "work first, pleasure afterward". Scratch your dome and beat it home Eat your bread and go to bed
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[[preprinted]]  29
                Monday Jan 29  [[/preprinted]]
   Examinations all over. Hail to day but great coasting in the afternoon. Some kids brought down a big heavy lumbering bob and B's-bob. 
   We had swell fun on B's bob. One time we spun clear around and coasted down backwards.
[[4 1/2 lines of text blacked out completely]]
The sleds cleared all the snow off the ice to save us from sweeping it. I just got my skates sharpened at Lefevres. Mr L has a great motto "Get it done and do it immediately" Oh, I got it twisted
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