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Saturday July 6 [[/preprinted]]
I went swimming off King's float this morning and we each dived 5 times. It makes me laugh to see Bill flop dive in and stick his head out of the water like a fried [[?]]. I suppose I do the same but I can't see myself. After lunch we took a walk into the thick woods by the shore. The trees were short and the bushes were thick and it was swell in there. Bill thought every hoof mark of a cow or horse was a deer trail so he got daffy about trailing deer on horses and cow trails. Well anyhow we came home and went swimming off the float again. It was better than this morning. We don't swim far because I can't make much better than 1/4 mile. 
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Sunday July 7 [[/preprinted]]
Bill and I had a swell swim off the float today. We staid in for nearly an hour. Mrs King and another man were in and were teaching Joe Beck how to swim. Mr King and [[strikethrough]] Joe we [[/strikethrough]] Russell were watching. I took about 6 dives and swam over to the rock for the first time. Bill came down in the afternoon and we did a stunt. He would rest his feet on one chair and his head and shoulders on another like a bridge while I stood on his stomach. Bill and Lloyd went swimming off the float and I watched because I felt punk.
[[IMAGE: sketch of diving float with one figure on top, another diving off into water, and another swimming]]