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[[preprinted]] 202 
Saturday July 20 [[/preprinted]]
Played three holes of golf with Winton and Bill until we quit because there were so many people on the course. After that Bill, Lloyd & I went swimming off the dock in the morning and off the float in the afternoon. Pa, ma, and Ann Steele came to-day. Winton and  played tennis in the afternoon and scored 9 all in games and quit. In the evening Bill and I went to the hotel dance and met 5 big fellows from St. Paul School on a cruise. We informed each other a lot of junk and found out they knew Bill's boy uncle a lot and Bentley Haeber a lot. One of them said he himself was C.M. Daniels the champion swimmer of the United States I don't believe it.
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[[preprinted]] 203 
Sunday July 21 [[/preprinted]]
Bill came down and we went out on the yacht [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] Halcyon where the Saint Paul boobs were. They were in their pajamas and we had a lot of fun them. We staid until we came ashore to go swimming off the float. Bill staid to [[strikethrough]] lunch [[/strikethrough]] dinner and it rained good and hard all the afternoon.