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[[preprinted]] 204 
Monday July 22 [[/preprinted]]
Went up to fly Winton's and Lloyd's kites this morning. At noon we were all surprised to see 19 torpedo boat destroyers all grey anchor right off the harbor. It was great and queer because no war craft ever came here. In the afternoon Lloyd and I rowed out as far as the "Reid" and "Smith" but quit because it was hard making headway against a heavy sea. Well anyhow I played two sets of Tennis with Winton he beat 6-4, beat 7-5, he beat 11-9
The destroyer's staid all night till 6:30 a.m. and in the evening they signalled and flashed searchlights.
[[image - sketch of large ship with smoke stacks]]
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[[preprinted]] 205 
Tuesday July 23 [[/preprinted]]
Played a round of golf with Winton. My score was 74 and his I dunno. In the afternoon I played two sets of tennis with him the the score was 6-4, 4-6. We played in the hammocks in front of the club afterwards.
[[image - colored sketch of water and sand shore, with raft attached to the dock and three figures. One stands on the raft, another diving off, and a third in the water]]