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Saturday May 25 [[/preprinted]]
Nothing much doing today because it was hot. Well in the evening we went to the town hall to show a show in magic by Jewell brothers. The magician did a bunch of things. He produced a candle lighted from nothing, A bowl of fish in water alive. He borrowed a fellow's derby and picked out a great bunch of rags and paper. He transferred six balls into a glass box wonderfully. He locked his brother in a pillory and he got out without breaking or unfastening anything. He put a steel collar around his neck and got it off locked up. The greatest was the box feat. They locked and box up with ropes and straps & the fellow got in. He hypnotised a man and stuck him out straight and passed a hoop around to show nothing was there. It was a great show. 
[[image: a levitating man with a ring being passed over him]]
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Sunday May 26 [[/preprinted]]
I went to Sunday School and when I came back I practised high jumping and did 3 ft 9 in. In the afternoon Pratt treated me to a milk shake & an ice cream cone. We went up to his house and had a catch while Hastings Pratt ran bases between us. I staid at the Pratts' for supper & afterwards Pratt and I went up to the meeting of the Brotherhood of St Andrew at the Parish House & I joined. Dues 10ยข a month. The meeting was about a boy's club and Mr. Matthew's our minister came in and told us about gambling. We had to sing hymns & say our prayers as in Sunday School.