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[[preprinted]] 208 Friday July 26 [[/preprinted]]
Bill and I went down in the woods this morning and then went swimming off the float with him afterwards drying off in the sun. In the afternoon I hung around on the point and saw 2 big swordfish brought in by a fishing sloop. I rowed around afterwards and then went swimming off the dock with Bill & Lloyd Ralph pushed Bill in once. 
[[image - colored, detailed sketch of figures swimming and diving off a wooden dock into the water. caption: SWIMMING [[underlined]]AT[[/underlined]] THE WHARF]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] Saturday July 27 209 [[/preprinted]]
After fooling around up at Goodrich's I went to the ^[[insertion]] 1st annual [[/insertion]] Swimming Meet at Warren Point where there was a crowd. I was in Class B. there A. B. and C. classes being I was in the form dive, sailor's dive and swim for shore. In the form dive I dived off the Pinnacle and in the swim for shore I was by far the last. Besides these there were 50 yd dash and plunge for distances. Well I guess Winter Mead Ms Warner and D [[Demstir?]] get the medals.
In the afternoon Bill and I made some fudge and with Lloyd went swimming off the wharf. I staid to Bill's for supper.
[[image - sketch of moon and dark side over the water, captioned: MOONLIGHT SCENE ON MILL POND]]