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                  A.             B.
I Δ               233°.53'.0"   133°.53'.0"
   S. 80 1/2 E
K Δ               190 35         [[strikethrough]] 360. [[/strikethrough]] 10.35
   N. 56 1/2 S    (corr. 2'.[[strikethrough]] 40 [[/strikethrough]] )
House out of sight
A Δ               178.18          358.18
   N. 44 E
Day cloudy with rain squalls and gusts of wind which interfere somewhat with the accuracy of these angles which must be repeated.
Unbend dry & store sails

[[line]] Oct. 1. 1871. Sunday [[line]]

[[line]] Oct. 2. 1871 Monday [[line]]
Rains & storms all day Set up tide guage machine in cabin and work on the foundation for it

[[line]] Oct. 3. Tuesday [[line]]
Rains in puffs & squalls