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June 13. Went to Shiu[[superscript]] ^[[ui]] [[/superscript]]n Gien Si in a drizzling rain. Secured only one bird. Secured some small fish and two varieties of turtles. The more yellow or brown variety seems much more active. The black variety seems more indifferent or inactive. The Chinese say the black ones are not so good to eat as the yellow or brown ones. 
Today I heard that all the boats were being commo [[superscript]] ^[[a]] ndeered at Suifu and being taken down to Luchow. 

June 14. A rainy day. Went to Kong Shien. The limestone rocks used to pave the road are worn smooth and are very slippery in rainy weather. Secured four birds, some fish, and some good moths. It is peculiar, but I secured some good moths by disturbing the bushes and the grass at daytime, but at night practically no moths came to the gasolene lantern, although it was a dark night. 

It is reported that there are many leopards in the mountains near here. 

June 15. I secured some fish today by means of the Smithsonian nets, and also secured five birds and a giant leech. The last-mentioned is the largest I have seen, and the only one of its kind I have seen. The Chinese say it can stretch out two feet long, but I doubt it. Secured a few small crabs. One bird I secured is entirely black, and looks much like a crow, but its tail is slightly longer in proportion and its body smaller. Its cry sounds like Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh.' to the Chinese, which means hunger. The Chinese therefore call it the hunger bird. This is the first bird of this kind I have secured. I spent the morning netting for fish and the afternoon after insects, and shot birds off and on all day. Spent some time drying out the insects. Late in the afternoon and in the evening a number of friends called. 

June 16. Travelled to Changlin or Changlinshien over a very muddy, sticky, slippery road. Got few insects and no birds on account of the rain. Got a few fish. It rained in the late afternoon so I stayed in and measured two Chinese and one Chuan Miao aborigine. It began to rain very hard about dark. 

June 17. It rained all night last night, and is raining this morning. This rainy weather is cutting down the number of specimens secured to a much smaller amount than I would ordinarily secure. I got a smaller number of fish today than I expected to, although some hard work was done. 

June 18. The weather did not really clear up, but a few insects appeared. I secured three flycatchers, one the more uncommon white flycatcher. 

I am having trouble preserving the bird bones without their getting stinky and full of maggots. I'll probably have to put arsenic on them in the future. I dried my insects today. 

June 19. Arrived at Ngan Lin Chiao a little after twelve. It rained last night, and the road was muddy. It cleared up just enough so that the wasps came out and I got a good catch. 

The aborigine is with me, and he is going along to Suifu to help me get ready for the summer trip. I am assuming that the summer excursion will be possible, although there is actually civil war in the province.