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them money.  You haven't face to refuse under such circumstances.  We got 7 birds today.

The skinner Ho has a bad foot.  He stoically bore the pain 2 days before telling me about it.  I am now doctoring it.

The pigs in this section often have long brownish hair and a long snout, probably the result of interbreeding with the wild boars.  The ducks have a different color than is seen in central Szechuan.

There are many things and customs here reminding one of those in Tibet.  The dogs are bigger and fiercer than the dogs in central Szechuan, probably due to intermixture with the famous Tibetan dog.

We are travelling southward. This village is called Shiao^[[3]] Soh^[[5]] and is 60 li from where we stayed last night and 40 li from Yueh Shi.  Altitude about 6500 ft.

The escorts are necessary but they are a lot of bother.  They always haggle for more tea money.  The soldiers of our escort now are half-breed Lolos.  They sing a good deal and their songs remind one (the tunes) of those of the American Indians.  This is not true of the music of the Chuan Miao.

There are lots of fleas and bed bugs, and one of our problems is how to avoid them.

July 23.  Today we crossed a high mountain called by the Chinese Shiao Shan, Little Mountain, or Shiao Shiang Lin, or Little Shiang Lin, in contrast to the high pass near Yachow called Da Shiang Lin or Great Shiang Lin, or Da Shan, Great Mountain.

The barometer indicated that the top of the pass we crossed over today is 10800 feet high, as contrasted to that of the Great Shiang Lin, 9400 feet high.  The climb up the latter mountain begins at 2500 feet, while that of the Little Shiang Lin begins at about 6500 feet.  The climb up the Little Shiang Lin is, therefore, about 4300 feet, and that of the Great Shiang Lin 6900 feet, so the latter seems the greater mountain to the Chinese.

The Little Shiang Lin is more feared by the Chinese, for here the Lolos appear and rob, loot, and take people captive while those on the Great Shiang Lin are Chinese robbers.  The Chinese assert that the Chinese robbers act according to principles while the Lolo robbers do not.

We had an escort all the way here, but the expense was only about 1/3 what I expected it to be.

For the last few days we have seen many houses with shakes for shingles, these being held on by large stones instead of being nailed.

We have seen much buckwheat, rice, corn, and rye during the past few days.