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[[underlined]] Tuesday 2.[[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 82. The greater excitement of yesterdays news respecting the sweep of our army has slackened much today our loss has been very great in killed & wounded.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 3. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 82 and 81. this evening Mrs. Peale got a letter from Titians wife Lucy dated Washington Aug. 31st. saying that Burd had arrived with Genl. [[strikethrough]] Sh [[/strikethrough]] Schenk whos wrist was badly wounded, that Burd was worn out with fatigue, but had after getting a good washing he was much revived - having lost all his instruments and clothing, was detained for a [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] till after dinner wating to get a fresh supply of sergical Instruments and medicine &c. Titian supplyed him with under clothes but couldnot that of uniform and after a refreshing dinner left them in good spirits and in helth. Titian and others accompanied him to take care of the sufferers of yesterdays fight & slaughter.
The receipt of this letter relieved us of the great anxiety we had about him, as the dispatches of yesterday giving an account of the greadful battle then going on near Centreville only 25 miles from Washington
[[underlined]] Thursday 4: [[/underlined]] I painted nearly all day on N. 81. This evening Charles received a letter from Titian dated Washington Sep. 3. Extracts "I received your letter this morning having left Burd with the army in Fairfax at 1/2 past 10 a.m. yesterday. He is quite well but not in very good spirits. [[strikethrough]] He is quite well [[/strikethrough]] in consequence of the recent defeat at Bull run & Manassus.
There was a call for medical assistants, after the the battle. I volunteered with several hundred of others. Burd brought in Gen. Schenck and took me out to Centerville, but the enemy occupied the battlefield & I could get no further; and had to join in the retreat with the Army coming this way on monday at midnight but on its assuming a new position near Fairfax Court House in the morning, I left Burd and walked home last evening in time to prevent uneasiness to my wife and friends.
Tell Burds wife that he is quite well, and hearty enough to eat all he can get to eat, and from my experience of two nights with him in camp & on the road, he is quite as well off as the best Generals We are all well in Washington
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