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24. Sep. 1862. [[underlined]] Wednesday 24. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N 81. Took up the onion sets, and attended to other matters. 55°. calm fog, clo 3. w. 68°. clo 9 n w. 56°. e clear. [[underlined]] Thursday 25.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 80. gathered seeds &c. I didnot go to the Agricultural Fair at S. Hav There was no display of aricultural produce Edward had the Mowing Machine there yesterday & today. 38°. calm fog along the river. clear. 66°. s e clear. 51°. clear. [[left margin note]] frost. [[/margin note]] [[underlined]] Friday 26.[[/underlined]] I painted all day and finished N. 81 & 82. worked a little in the garden transplanting pot plants and fixing them for the winter &c. Geo. took a load of Hay yesterday and today. brought back coal & manure. Hay 14 to 15 $. [[left margin note]] Frost [[/margin note]] 37°. calm, dence fog. 69°. s e clear. 49 calm e, clear. [[underlined]] Saturday 27. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 78. and commenced a small Lanscape shewing the Furnace at Shamoken in the distance. I made the pencil sketch from the spring which supplies the upper part of the town with water, and painted on N. 78, and then cleaned the walks about the two houses Brother George and John came in the morning and dined with us, left soon after dinner. 41°. calm dence fog, clear. 78°. s e clo 2. 62°. calm, clo 9. [[underlined]] Sunday 28.[[/underlined]] James Patterson and family came early this afternoon. no other company today. 59° calm se mist. 73° se clo 3 n. 64° calm clear. [[underlined]] Monday 29.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 79 and 83. Mrs. Snyder Amilia Pott came this morning and spent the day. Mary & Eddy took them to S. H. after supper. Mrs. Campbell and her son came from Potte. on horse-back late this afternoon Edwar was not well this morning is now better, May is not well this evening head ake. The sow dropped 4 pigs today. 60°. calm, dence fog. 81°. n w clo 1. 69°. calm, clear. [[underlined]] Tuesday 30. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 79 and on N. 82. Eddy Patterson took Mrs. Tathan, & Mary to Potte. this morning they spent the day. Emma returned with them this evening. 54°. calm fog. 76°. n w small shower. 67° calm clo 4. [[double underlined]] Wednesday October 1, 1862.[[/double underlined]] I made a stretching frame for the small fruit piece and put it on it. attended to other matters about the house. 57°. rain in the night. n e Rain. 57°. ne rain. 57°. calm mist ne.