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64  January 1863.
[[/underlined]] Monday 26. [[/underlined]] Mr. Graef sat to Mary this morning for his portrait, and after he went away I painted on No. 87. and should have worked at the stretchers if I could have found my narrow chisel which Edward mislaid. the other day. 
This afternoon Mary Varnished several pictures the we had finished.
36°. calm clo 10 s w drizly rain. 48°. s w clo 9 s w. 50°. calm clo 10. s
[[underlined]] Tuesday 27.[[/underlined]] I have been nearly all day in the shop preparing stuff for stretching frames, finished one and put the canvas on it. Mrs. Peale and Mary went this afternoon to S. Haven  Edward went this morning in the carrs to Columbia Pa. on business of his.
53°. calm e dense fog clo 10 s w. 45° calm rain or drizzle. 39°. w clo 10.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 28. [[/underlined]] I painted a little on N. 87. and attended Matters about the house & shop &c. Mary & Louesia went this afternoon to S Haven although it was snowing violently. It has been snowing all day.
32° n e snow. 37°. n e snow. 32°. n e snow. Edwd came home. this evening.
[[underlined]] Thursday 29. [[/underlined]] I commenced a Fruit Piece today. Watermellon, Peaches, Grapes &c. N. 88.
It has been snowing the greater part of the day, cleared off towards evening. When I had a fine comparison of the lights and shadows on the snow which prooved the accuracy of my snow piece.
30°. s w clo 10. 44°. w snow. 25°. n w clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 30. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N 88. 
[[dash underlined]] Mary White [[/underlined]] came home this afternoon, she says she had a sore throat that kept her. 
Edward took Mary to the carrs for Potte. this evening
20°. calm s e clear. 42° s w clo 10. 34° calm clo 4 n w.
[[underlined]] Saturday 31 [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 88. 
Got a letter from Harriet saying that Albert would come to S Haven this afternoon in the carrs, and she on Monday Edward & Louesia went to meet him, but he didnot come
33°. w clo 3 n w. 42° s w clear. 29° calm se clear.
[[double underlined]] Sunday [[strikethrough]]Jan[[/strikethrough]] February 1st. 1863. [[/underlined]] We have had no company today. Mrs. Peale is not very well and sent for the Dr. he came and left some medicine for her. The day has been very pleasant but the roads bad.
15°. calm white frost on the trees and twigs. 42° calm s e clo 10. toward evening it begun to snow & then turned to rain an drizzle. 38°. calm drizzle. e.