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2   May 23, 1862.
went to Dr. Shannans, he was so kind as to bring me home in his carriage, I sent George on horseback to lead Sally home.  I left the buggy at the wheelwright to have a new shalf to be finished by tomorrow afternoon.  He has brought her home and she appears quite well.
53°. calm, clear. 79° calm w, clo 5 n w, and soon we had a smart shower of rain. 65°. calm clear.
  [[underlined]] Saturday 24. [[/underlined]] I have worked all day in the Flower garden, took up the most of the weeds and grass. sowed the balance of the flower seeds.  Made some candles this evening.  The young woman that nursed Mrs. B. Patterson took supper with us this evening. 55°. calm, clo 10 w. 69°. w. clo 10 s w. 54°. calm & clear.
  [[underlined]] Sunday 25. [[/underlined]]  John Patterson came down and went before dinnear, in the afternoon Mr. W. Levan and a gentleman came, then Mr. John Shippen & Wife and little daughter came, they stayed but a short time as Mrs. P. & I were just going to Benny Potts.  after they went we started called at Mrs. Deiderts to hear how Lissies child was They consider it in a critical state, after having the Scarlet fever it now has the dropsey.  We found Mr. & Mrs Potts just going to take a ride we therefore left very soon it being late.
43°. calm, clear. 70°. w clear.  54°. calm, clear.
  [[underlined]] Monday 26. [[/underlined]] I was all the morning fixing the window blinds and fastnings to sashes, and fixing the stair carpet at Edwards. After dinner I took Mrs. Peale to Mr. Clines for groceries &c sent Marys letter to N.Y. we then went to S. Haven, took supper at Mr. Snyders,
44°. calm clo 7 w. 75°. calm s w clo 3 s w. 60°. calm & clo 8. s e.
  [[underlined]] Tuesday [[/underlined]] I was all the morning fixing the ketches and regulating the windows in this house & finished those in the other house & the curtains &c. Mrs. Peale and I went to the funeral of Lizzy Brown's child she was buried in the simitary at S. Haven.  This was the first time I had been through it, and was much surprised to find it laid out so extencively, many of the lots handsomely enclosed with Iron railing and many full of flowers and shrubbery, and some neat marble monuments. [[?]]c.

Transcription Notes:
S. Haven prob. is Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania