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May 27, 1862 -
We supped after the funeral, they had two long tables full, and spread abondantly with all kinds of foode &c. There were about 20 carriages, we lent them our own buggy & Dick and we borrowed a carriage from Daniel Rikert.
The corpse was brought out and placed in front of their house.  The lid taken off of the coffin and some german hymns sung and remarks by the clergeman but all in german, the lid was then screwed on and the funeral proceeded - on arriving at the grave the funeral service was performed & the grave closed.  They then went to the new church in S.H. where the sermon was preached, but it being not understood by M[[superscript]]rs[[/superscript]]. P. or I we came on and got the newspapers &c, got to their house some time before the funeral returned, we then supped.
55° calm s.e. clo 10. 73° calm clo g w. 60° calm clear.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 28. [/underlined]]
I varnished all the parlour chairs and tables desk &c - &c - Edward, Louisia, Fanny & A. E. Hubley came home after all well and pleased with their visit Got a newspaper Published in Winchester, [[underlined]] "Winchester Republican May 23, 1862" Post mark, Harpers Ferry 26." [[/underlined]]
I suppose by this that Burd had left Winchester with the army, and sent the paper to show that he had left W.
M[[superscript]]rs[[/superscript]]. B. Potts and M[[superscript]]rs[[/superscript]]. L. Witney called this afternoon. 49°, calm sprinkle of rain w. 61° calm rain, s w. 52°, calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 29 [[/underlined]]
I varnished the furniture in the hall, fixed the shelf for the water-buckets in the other house, skuffeled the new bed of Albany seedlings and the long bed of beets, peas, parsnips, etc. [[in left margin]]frost.[[/in left margin]] 44° s e fog along the riv, white frost. clear. 75° s. w. clo 2 s.w. 56°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 30. [[/underlined]]  
I scuffelled all the Reading strawberry, Pricked out a row of Coriander, and a quantity of cabbage plants to harden & strengthen them before planting them in the field.  Sank the pots along the walk in front of the other house, skuffelled the onions &c.
55° calm clo g s w. 77° calm s w clo to s w. a sprinkle of rain toward evening. 61° calm clo g s w.