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June 15. 1862. [[underlined]] Sunday 15.[[/underlined]] [[Strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]] Mrs. Peale went to church, Mr. Latimer had gon to New York, and the converted Jew preached. in the afternoon Joseph Patterson & his friend Pomroy came, and then William Patterson & wife and his mother Lydia came, they all left before supper. F. Bannan told W. Patterson that my son Burd was in Philadelphia last week. We have been looking for letters from him for several days. During the night thunder and lightning and rain. 59°. s e clo 100 n. 69° n w clo 2 n w. 55°. w, clear. [[underlined]] Monday 16. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 78, and worked all the afternoon in the garden. Edward went to the carrs at noon and brought Mr. Cooley who has mowing machines for sale. 44°. calm, clear. 65°. w clear. 57°. calm clear. "Extract from the Miners Journal of Pottsville dated June 14th 1862." A Noble Act. - During the retreat of Gen Banks, Brigade Sergeon Peale of this county, voluntarily surrendered himself to the enemy in the hospital at Winchester, for the care of all the sick and wounded placed under his charge. - Several others did the same thing. In the language of Gen Banks in his official report. "It is seldom that men are called upon to make a greater sacrifice of comfort, health, and liberty for the benefit of those entrusted to their charge. [[strikethrough]] Several [[/strikethrough]] Services and sacrifices like these ought to entitle them to some more important recognition of their devotion to public duty than the mere historical record of the fact." E. D. very true. [[underlined]] Tuesday 17 [[/underlined]] I painted a good part of the day on N. 78. put down the stair-carpet for Louisia. Mr. Cooley staid here until this afternoon. 45°. calm dence fog. 72° s.w. clear. 64°. calm, s w clear. [[underlined]] Wednesday 18. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 78. intil it begun to rain about 4 oclock. Edward sent a load of props and brought back a load of coal for George. John has been hawling manure all day from the mule shed and putting it in the barn yard. 57° calm. clo 5 s w. 74°. s w clo 6 s. comd. to rain about 4 a heavy shower for an hour. 62°. calm clear, lightning to the s east, and a little of the Aurora boreallis.