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June 1862
[[underlined]] Thursday 19. [//underlined]] I painted all the morning on No. 78. Mrs. Levan came in the morning and dined with us. Mrs. Peale and I went then up to Potts. took supper at brother Georges saw nearly all our friends got home by dark. 60° calm fog clo 10. 75°. s w clo 3 s w. 64°. calm, clear
[[underlined]] Friday 20. [[/underlined]] I worked a good part of the day in the garden, this afternoon I took Mrs. Peale to Mr. Newels Mrs. Newell had gon to Philadelphia, we called at Mr. Snyders & Levans, got a letter from Mays sister saying that Burd had been in Phila. a few days, that he was well, and had been appointed Post Sergeon by Genl. Segan  Edward has been all day visiting farmers to invite them to see the new mowing machine work tomorrow aftern. 59°. w clo 8 n w. 70°. w clo 3 n w. 59°. calm, clear
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Mary White [[/underlined]] came down [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Saturday 21. [[/underlined]] I worked a part of the morning in the garden and then Mr. Yeates Cunningham, Miss Kitty Yeates and Miss Hayes came and spent the day. In the afternoon Miss Sarah Levan & Mrs. J. Levan and then a good number came to see the mowing machine at work, they continued to come until near night. They all seemed to be much pleased with it and several used it and were highly delighted with it. James Patterson was amongst them. Kitty Yeates appeared to be much pleased with her visit & so was Miss Hayes. Mrs. L. Whitney & all her children came. 57°. calm dence fog. 79°, s w clo 5 w. cleared off until sunset. 65°. calm, clo. 10.
[[underlined]] Sunday 22. [[/underlined]] Brother George & his son John came this morning & dined with us. After dinner Edward took his mother to Benny Potts that is after George went away. Mr. Woomer & brother came to engage a mowing machine.
62°. calm, clear. 77° calm, clear. 60° calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 23. [[/underlined]] I have been very unwell all day. I tried to do a little in the garden, but in vain could not consentrate my mind to paint or read, took medicine. The return of eregularity of pulce and very languid, toward evening I felt better, especially after a cup of coffee & bathing my head in cold water &c. Mrs. P. is rather better today. Edward spent the morning at the Alms House with the mowing machine, the Directors concluded to take it, the attendance was not large. 53° calm, clo 3 n w. 69°. s e rain all the afternoon until about 8 oclock. 61°. s e drizzle. s e.