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10. June 30 1862 This afternoon Dr. Shannan & Lady called. 69°. calm fog. 77°. calm n w clo 8 n w. heavy rain for a short time this morning. 71°. calm clear. [[double underlined]] Tuesday July 1st 1862 [[/double underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 78. and I think have finished it. Edward went at noon to the carrs for Louisia & Fanny, we were all delighted- Fanny soon discovered the little [[?]]. I was in the garden all the afternoon. 57°. w clear. 71° s w clo 1. 60°. s w clear. 55°. calm clo 10 e. soon commenced to rain. 64°. calm e Rain. 59°. calm e rain. [[underlined]] Wednesday 2. [[/underlined]] It has been a rainy day which kept me in the house, and too dark to paint, we we expected Mrs. Geo. Patterson ^[[insertion]] and family [[/insertion]] but they didnot come 55°. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]°. calm, clo 10 [[written over ]]64°[[written over]]. n e rain. 59° calm e rain. [[underlined]] Thursday 3 [[/underlined]] John Patterson came this morning for the girls. worked a part of the day in the garden. Mrs. Peale, Louisia, Edward & Fanny went to Benny Potts. Mrs. Pott has a daughter. 59°. calm clo 10. 70°. n e clo 9 n e. 62°. calm, clear. [[underlined]] Friday 4th. [[/underlined]] I have worked all day in the garden finished the bed in front of our house by putting a plank along the front & ends, and wed it. Edward & Louisia spent the day in Potts. left Fanny with Mrs. Peale. John spent the day at S. Haven. we have not had any company all day. E & L. went to hear parson Brownlow's oration they were much pleased with it. 60°. calm fog clo 9 s w. 78°. s w clear. 67°. calm clear. [[underlined]] Saturday 5. [[/underlined]] Edward took a mower to Burds farm this morning. (near Ashland) I ground two sets of cutters for the mowing machine this morning and replaced one of the knives that came loose while using it. (Ketchems machine) took in 1 large load of hay from the meadow near the house. 60°. calm fog. [[strikethrough]] clo 9 [[/strikethrough]] clear. 86°. n w clear. 77°. calm s w. clear. [[underlined]] Sunday 6. [[/underlined]] Edward returned from Burds farm early this afternoon John Patterson came from Pott with him. Mr. Moyer and family, came, also John's Father, Mother and sisters came about noon, staid until evening. This has been the warmest day this season very [[?]]. 70°. calm, clear. 90°. s w clear. 84° calm clo 2 s w.
Transcription Notes:
Peale uses the old style letter s, which often is written like an f or p when followed by a second s. Therefore, it may well be pussy not puppy.