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July 1862 11 [[underlined]] Monday 7[[/underlined]] I ground 2 sets of cutters for the mowing machine Edward & his men have been all day engaged with the hay took in 5 loads this afternoon. mended a number of rakes that had teeth broke last season etc. Mary came home this evening in the carrs from Phil. [[left margin]] warm [[/margin note]] 79°. calm clo 2 n w. 91°. s w clear, clouded up from the n w about 4 oclock and had a smart shower about 6 oclock. began to clear about 8 oclock. 74°. calm clo 5. w. [[underlined]] Tuesday 8.[[/underlined]] I ground two sets of cutters for the mower and did very little else. Haymaking is going on briskly they took in 4 large loads this afternoon. 70°. calm clo n w. 85°. w clo 5 w. clouded up about 5. 77°. calm s.e. clo 2. [[underlined]] Wednesday 9. [[/underlined]] I sweepped and cleaned Mary's studio this morning and then Lydia and all her children and Fredericks wife and all her children and two young ladies friends of Emma came and spent the day with us. They dined and supped with us. George commenced cutting with the wood' mower the orchard this afternoon, took in from the meadow load of hay this morning. 70°. calm s w a little fog, clo 5 w. 85°. s w clo 5 s w. 82° s w. clo 5 s w. Got an interesting letter from Burd today. [[underlined]] Thursday 10. [[/underlined]] I have worked nearly all day in front of Edwards house mowed the grass and arranged the plants etc. [[underlined]] Mary White [[/underlined]] came this morning After dinner Mrs Peale and Mary went to S. Haven and while they were gon Mrs. Geo: and Fred. came [[strikethrough]] came [[/strikethrough]] down but didn stay to supper. Edward had grass cut in the lower meadow this morning. The day has not been favorable for drying, about 20 loads are cut. I sent a letter to Burd and one to Charles today. 70°. calm rain. 75°. s w clo 10 s. quite smokey and increasing towards evening. 65°. calm s e smokey [[underlined]] Friday 11. [[/underlined]] I have done but very little today, not feeling very smart. Mary and Louisia went after breakfast to Pott. and returned to dinner. Mr. Ridgely and his mother came down this morning he has just come from Winchester and spent one day with my son Burd there, he speaks of him in high terms, that he was well and in good spirits.
Transcription Notes:
It is Burd, not Bund. Burd is a family name in Peale family, including for his son's middle name, which they call him.
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