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new page 18 July 11 1862 They took in from the meadow 6 loads of hay. 54°. calm e dence fog. 75°. s e clo 3 s e. 62°. calm, clear. [[underline]] Saturday 12. [[underline]] This morning Mr. & Mrs. Sarah Levan and her nephew came and dined with us. After dinner Mrs. Mary Morris & daughter Elizabeth, her brother Allen Fisher and Mrs. Tyson [[blank space]] from Elicot Mills, spent the afternoon and took supper with us. Edward has been very busy all day takeing in hay 8 loads. I havenot been over smart today, had two severe attacks of pain in my chest. 57°. calm dence fog. 79°. w clo 5 & smoke. 68°. calm overcast & smoke [[underline]] Sunday 13. [[underline]] John Patterson took Mrs. Peale to Pott. this morning and left her there. Mr Lowes and Mr. Clement who lives at Mt. Carbon where Mr. White lived, 58°. calm fog. 82°. s w clo 3 s e . 67°. calm s e . smokey. Monday [[underline & crossed out]] Tuesday [[crossed out]] 14[[underline]] I worked a part of the morning in the garden. They have worked all day among the hay and brought in 4 loads. cut the grapes opposite Edwards house in the morning. 62°. calm fog. 85°. s w clo 5. at 6 Th. & Lightning with rain n. w. 76°. calm rain. Tuesday [[underline & crossed out]] Wednesday [[crossed out]] 15 [[underlined]] I worked all the morning in the garden with all the small onion bed etc. Mary, Louisia, & Fanny went soon after breakfast to Pott. and returned this afternoon. Brother George, Lydia, Ruben & Frederick & wife came this morning and dined with us. Mrs. Peale came home with them. Edward had 3 loads of hay got in before the violent rain came on leaving out 1 or 2 loads. got his Reaper ready for action. Mr. Cooley breakfasted with us. 71°. calm fog. 78°. s w clo 5 s w. at 3 oclock a violent wind, rain thunder & lightning. blew down several trees etc Wednesday [[underline]] Thurs[crossed out]] d [[crossed out]]ay 16 [[underline]] Edward took in [[blank]] loads of hay and cut a part of the wheat back of the barn with the machine. got a letter from Mary saying she expected to leave home to join Burd at Winchester Vin. 64°? calm fog. 87°. n w clo 4 n w., at 5 thunder lightning & hard rain 74°. clam clearning off - [[underline]] 2 mules & a horse to pasture.[[underline]] Thursday [[underline & crossed out Friday]] [[crossed out]] 7. [[underline]] I worked in the garden all the morningweed the Sweet Marjarum & Edward took Mary to Pott. this afternoon, he returned to supper. 67°. calm clo 1 e . 77°. s w. clo 4 s. w. 68°. calm s e. clear. end page