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in the operation of the Enclined Plains, the track to which the Carrs are attached is propelled by a stationary Engine on the mountain. On the opposite track were 3 or 4 coal carrs passing up as we went down the same rope going around a pully at the bottom of the plain. When we got to the end of the plain, the truck gradually sunk and let us pass over it &c. all went on so quiet that if we hadnot known that we were on the enclined plain we should not have known it. The 2d. plain was in like manner performed, the Locomotive preseeded us, and was ready to take us on. we got to Ashd. between 4 & 5 oclock P.M. found Mr. Edward Thompson & his two daughters wating for us. After supper D McKibbin and Lady and Mr. [[?]] came & spent the evening. -- these ladies are the daughters of my old aquaintance [[space]] Cross, when I knew him he was not married.
   In the evening it lightened incessantly & some heavy thunder. 
[[underlined]] Wednesday 30th. [[/underlined]] After breakfast Mr. Thompson took [[strikethrough]] me[[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] me [[/insertion]] in his carriage up to Occonner & Pattersons Mines where a new Breaker is now being constructed. I was much pleased with the senery of this rugged part of the country, and much interested with the improvements going on. 
   I called to see Mr. William Levan at his store, saw M. [[?]] Wm. Levan had gone to S. Haven this morning. 
   During the morning much excitement was created by the arrival of the Circus from Danvil and toward evening the main street was crowded with young folks to see an afternoon exhibition and then in the evening crowdes came pouring in from the mines. The throng was so great that the tent couldnot hold all that had paid the manager had the liberality to return the money to those who couldnt obtain seats.
[[strikethrough]] Thursday [[/strikethrough]] In the afternoon we went to see an Englishman living near the Depot (Mr. J. Smith.) who has a strange fancey in converting the Roots of the Laurel into fanciful formes representing all kinds of beasts and imaginary animals that nev have existed, went into his garden which is fancifully decorated  with odd shaped roots and his imaginary animals & reptiles &c -
[[underlined]] Thursday 31. [[/underlined]] Mr. & Mrs. Thompson took Mrs. P. and I out to ride along the [[?]] Creek, stopped at Mr. Gee's house where I was much delighted with their garden, it being kept in good order and well suppted. with vegetables, fruits & flowers. he was absent but Mrs. G. was very polite to us, he is with the army
   In the evening there was quite an excitement here a War Meeting