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We had quite a pleasant shower about 4 oclock this afternoon which coold the air considerably, 86°.
  [[underlined]] Wednesday 6. [[/underlined]] This afternoon at 1/2 past 2 the recruits for the war left here in the carrs for the war, via Sunbery &c- a great crowd assembled at the depot. I spent an hour at the Bank very pleasantly with the President [[blank space]] Pollock and a part of the evening at Mr. Friel's.
  [[Strikethrough]] Wed [[underlined]] Thurs [[/strikethrough]] day 7. [[/underlined]] This morning I washed and varnished Charles's pictures
   [[underlined]] Friday 8 [[/underlined]] I made a Boot-jack for Albert. he has gon with his music master to spend a few days. Clarra has also gon to Ashland with her grandmother Friel to stay a week or two at her Uncle John's
  I got a letter from Anna Sellers dated at our farm the 6th. inst. If she had know that we were here she could have come from Almira all the way by the rail road. we have written for her to come.
Charles and I made an Easel for me to commence painting while here. at 2 oclock P.M. 88°. in shade & nearly clear.
  [[strikethrough]] Thurs. [[underlined ]][[Satur]] [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Friday [[/insertion]] day 9 [[/underline]] Another intence hot day, prevented me takeing much exercise I therefore spent the most of the day in reading the newspapers in the afternoon Charles made a stretching frame I assisted a little 98°. in the shade.
[[underlined]] Saturday 10. [[/underlined]] Another hot day and glad to keep quiet. In the afternoon Charles, Harriet, Mr. Friel, Eliza & I took quite a pleasant walk towards the new Semetry grounds, from which the views or prospect is [[?]] magnificent I regretted not having sketching paper and after decending we went toward the Rowling Mill. 
[[left margin insertion]] Sun [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Monday 11. [[/underlined]] Charles made another stretching frame I then stretched the two Canvases and got my painting apparatus ready to commence work. toward evening it became more pleasant but still very warm. 91°.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 12. [[/underlined]] I commenced a fruit piece this morning N [[overwritten number: 90 ?]] representing a basket of Blackberries, branch of Dwarf Pears Large Plumbs, Apples
Wednesday 13. I painted all day on N [[90 ?]] and assisted Chares in numbering five dollar notes
[[underlined]] Wednesday 13. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N.[[90 ?]] and assisted Charles in numbering 5$ notes.