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of Apples that I painted for Charles to present to him was very much admired by every body that sees it, it is handsomely framed.
This morning I commenced to colour the Eagle on sheet Iron, cut out from the pattern furnished to the tinman, last evening got a letter from Mary dated the 17th inst, she thinks of leaving the beach the last of this week
[[underlined]]Thursday 21.[[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on Charles's American Eagle, it looks remarcably well.
This afternoon we had a charming shower & violent wind and toward evening another with thunder and lightning, rain was much wanted in this neighbourhood.
[[underlined]]Friday 22. [[/underlined]] I painted a good part of the day on the Eagle, it now only wants the stars and arrows on the shield to complete it which couldnot be painted until it is dry.
Got a letter from Matilda Patterson saying that brother Burd was very unwell that he was confined to his bed, we therefore shall leave here I think on Monday next. Toward sunset we had quite a storm of rain & wind accompanied with thunder and lightening.
[[underlined]] Saturday 23.[[/underlined]] Charles wrote to Edward Thompson to telegraph to Potte. to know from Dr. Carpenter whether brother Burd was dangerously ill or not, so as to regulate our stay here. he did not get a reply, Harriet got a letter from May, saying she would come up with Mary and she had received a letter from Burd dated camp 20 miles from Culpepper Aug. 21st. that he was well.
This morning I painted the stars and arrows on the shield for Charles &c.
Last evening I had a fine view of the Commit it being clear and cerene.
[[underlined]] Sunday 24. [[/underlined]] I spent a quiet day in reading.
[[underlined]] Monday 25. [[/underlined]] I varnished my fruit piece it looks very well. got a board from the cabinet maker to commence a Landscape on 20 by 13, made of Cherry wood.
Got letters this evening from Matilda saying Burd is much better, and from Edward enclosing a pass for 2 [[persons ?]] and from Mary saying that May expects to come up on widnesday next.

Transcription Notes:
Burd, not Bund - a family name. Peale's r's sometimes look like n's.