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78    April 18th 1863.
William Levan sat to Mary this morning
I worked all the afternoon in the garden, sowed in the Hot-bed White Celery, New Zeland Tomato, Red Tomato, & Bell-shaped Pepper &[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Early York cabbage, Extra-early Tomato.
39°. se clo 10. 53°. calm w clo 10 w. 40°.calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 14.[[/underlined]] Mr. Graeff sat to Mary this morning Mrs. Graeff came with him. I had Mrs. Try digging in the garden all day & a boy. I trimmed a part of the Raspberries, sowed Royal or Cabbage Lettuce, Red-T. rooted Radish, planted 4 quarts of Onion setts. In the afternoon James & Matilda Patterson & several of their children came down. Louisia went this morning to Potts. with Mrs. Benny Pott, she has not yet returned. Edd. went to S Haven for her after dark.
28°. calm white frost, clear. 66°. calm s clo 4 s w. 48°. calm clear
[[underlined]] Wednesday 15.[[/underlined]] I sowed sugar Parsnips this morning and rain drove me in, prepared talle sticks &c. raked two beds that were dug late last evening.
38°. s e clo 9. 54°. e rain. 42°. n e rain.
[[underlined]] Thursday 16th.[[/underlined]] Edward sat to Mary this morning. I put hinges on a box for Louisia, and also on Mrs. Peales cap box, also on the square box. begun to make a garden stool, but found after cutting out the stuff found it not good it was flawey. It has rained almost constantly all day, George fixed up the garden fences to keep out the chickens.
43°. n e rain. 49°. n e rain. 49°. calm n e rain.
[[underlined]] Friday 17. [[/underlined]] I worked in the garden all day, trimmed a part of the grape vine at the back door, glazed the hot-bed glass that was broken & potted some plants &c. Miss Lewis came this afternoon by the carrs. to the Landing and walked here. Mr. Graeff brought Mr. Towers to see his portrait, he seemed much pleased with it. Edward took his mother after breakefast, he returned to supper. she remained on Pottsville.
 48°. calm drizzling rain s w. 56°. calm drizzling rain s w. 51°. calm, clo 10.
[[underlined]] Saturday 18th.[[/underlined]] Mr. Graeff was to have sat this morning but didnot come. I fixed three gates, made repairs about the fences, trimmed grape vines, cleaned up the yards &c &c. planted Extra early Beets. Large Gurnsey Parsnip seed, the ground too wet to do more Today
Mary spent a good part of the day in the garden & --