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86    May 16th. 1863.
the Continental and then returned to the Academy where we spent the evening. It is well lighted, the pictures show to great advantage for a night exhibition. Saw there Mr. Wyley, who Modelled my head and carved the Ivory head for Mary when we were here last. Charles and I called in to see the lower appartments of the Continental Hotell, it is a most splendid establishment I must take another opportunity to visit again at leisure. Got home after 11 oclock, called during the day to see Mr. F. [[?]] the dentist about my teeth & to see him on Monday next.
[[underlined]] Sunday 17. [[/underlined]] In the morning I [[?]] to go to see Titian but as the carrs donot run on Sunday and the distance too great for me to walk it was thought best to stay at home. in the afternoon we had a smart thunder shower, had an early tea and then Mary and I went to Colemans where we met Titian, he is so much altred that I scarcely knew him we spent a very charming evening there, his new workshop pleased me very much, he has a nice iron laythe and good tools, his arrangements for Photographing is very complete and convenient, adjoining is the childrens play room. 
His collection of Photographic collection is wonderfully large they are neately arranged in cases labelled neatly in his book-case so he can take any set of views desired without any difficulty. Some of the large views are most beautiful. Charles and Harriet came soon after us, but Mrs. Peale remained at home it being too wet for her to come. Edward's eldest daughter who lives with Nancy Sellers came in the morning to spend the day, she says Nancy is still confined to her chamber Anna is quite well &c.
[[underlined]] Monday 18.[[underlined]] soon after breakefast Mrs. Peale and I went to Mr. [[strikethrough]] Dickenson's [[/strikethrough]] Dixon's, made an engagement to see him next Thursday morning, we then went to Franklins, Titian was there engaged Photographing Franklins Drawing Room, we therefore couldnot go around to examine the very nice arrangements of the apartment while Photographical process was going on, we then went to the Academy, was soon joined by Caroline, & Anna who were gitting ready to follow us, and in a little while were joined by Mary, who went a shopping, then by then by Anna Sellers, Cora, Burd & May, and Burdie who came from Holmsburg this morning to see us, Eleanor Summers, sister Harriet (Rembrandt's widow) Mary Peale (Edmonds daughter) Franklin & Titian, Harriet, Clarra & Albert, also joined us. It was quite interesting to have so many or our family collected