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88.  May 1863.
[[underlined]] Thursday 21st.[[/underlined]] As Titian, Lucy, Franklin & Caroline went at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon to the Watergap I remained at home this morning and was buisy in fixing Charles's frames for the pictures. This afternoon Clara and went to Mr. Dixons, but he was not ready for me. Mr. William Levan called to see us just at dusk, didnot stay long.
A fire occured above Gerard Colledge, from the appearance of the smoke I thought it must have been but one or two squares off, it must be some establishment that uses much tar as the smoke was so black. 
[[underlined]] Friday 22. [[/underlined]] I got up this morning not feeling very well remained at home until near 12 oclock, then went to Mr. Dixons got my teeth and returned home. Mrs. Peale and Mary down town & at the Academy I joined them there ^[[insertion]] and took an Ice Cream with them & then returned home no better [[/insertion]] Anna Sellers called to see me with one of her Landscapes and offered to leavit for me to coppey, but I declined as I thought it was best for me to be at home, [[strikethrough]] but today [[/strikethrough]] instead of painting here. I was in great pain & sick at stomach took some medicine and after throwing up much bile I was quite releaved.
[[underlined]] Saturday 23. [[/underlined]] Had a good night and took my Rhubarb medicene & feel quite smart, this billious attack has left me quite weak. In the afternoon Charles, Clarra & I rode up to Fairmount Park, took a hearty drink of the Calibiat water in the Park and then went up to the old mansion of Robert Morris, when I was quite young I made a sketch from his front door to the south, which now looks very different. The Fair Mount dam was not made, and there was only two floating bridges one at grays ferry the other at Market Street. and only a house here and there visable. 
  After resting a while Mary and Mr. Cope joined us. The grounds are handsomely laid out with Drives and walks and an abondance of most beautiful shrubs and trees a Tulip tree attracted our notice it measures 4 feet from the ground about 16 feet in circumfrince we left Mary & Mr. Cope and took the carr for home which was much crowded. 
[[underlined]] Sunday 24. [[/underlined]] I had a bad night with diarea early this morning I took Caster Oil & Laudinam, and gradually gave me relief. I spent a quiet day in reading, and felt quite smart by bedtime. The morning was very warm, n e wind set in and made the evening quite pleasant I was in bed all the morning. 

Transcription Notes:
Calibiat water = chalybeate water, from mineral springs.