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92   May 7th. 1863.
my Niece Mary Peale, and then Anna Peale called 
Charles and the children went to the Fairmont Park this afternoon to hear the Music by the Band that commenced this afternoon they are to play 3 times a week during the summer.
Mrs.Peale came home this evening from Mrs. Shippen's.  she went to see Mr Dundass's garden this afternoon Mrs. Hubley accompanied her.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 8 [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on the Apples __ in the afternoon Mrs Peale, Abert & Clarra went to see Mr. Dundass's garden with Harriet, was joined by Mrs. Hubley, we enjoyed our visit very much, I was highly delighted with hot houses, the variety of new plants that have been introduced withis 15 years is wonderful, among them the variety Air Plants, Ferns & Mosses, the celebrated Victoria Lilly was in bloome which I never saw before in bloom. We then called to see Anna Peale. she shewed me a beautiful Landscape by Waber a view near Germantown on a sheet or pannel made of Indian Rubber volcanised. it appears to be a most excellent material to paint on and very durable. she gave us some refreshments, we then called to see Mrs. Thorpe & daughters next door.  We then went to the Floral Fair for the benefit of the soldiers in Concert Hall, chestnut street. The display of articles offered for sale was astonishingly great and handsomely displayed. The crowd of visitors was very great, it was with much difficulty that we could wind our way through the croud
[[underlined]] Wednesday 9. [[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale went to meet James Patterson to go to Germantown to spend the day & night at Mr. Bennets 
I painted all the morning on the Apples, watermellon and Grapes. at 3 oclock Albert went with me to the exhibition or weekly Concert of the Blind at their Institute, I was much pleased but being at a great distance from the stage I couldnot hear well. after the concert Albert & I went through the workshops to see them make corn brooms, and scrubbing brushes, weaving and makeing matts & c. It is astonishing how well they did their work.
William Chapen the Principal of this Institution was very attentive to me, he told me that when he was but a boy he frequented my Fathers Museum and was delighted with my Philosophical Eperiments in the museum. That he got the first light of Natural Philosophy from me to whome he will always be thankful, he said my mode