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June 22 1863.
comfortable rooms for the man & his family of 5 children  near his dwelling is a stone house, one end of which is the Ice house, below which is a large room for keeping provisions in perfectly cold & sweet. The other end is the Gas works a guzometer sufficiently large for the premisis to last a fortnate. costing about 10 [[cents]] including all expences wages &c. The gas is produced from crude coal oil. His [[strikethrough]] sister [[/strikethrough]] single daughter keeps house for him since the death of his wife.
I got into the carr at his front gate and came to the city at 4 oclock to meet Mrs. Peale at the Academy but she had just left, I then came home, found all well.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 23d.[[/underlined]] went to the market, purchased 4 plants in small potts for 25 cents for all.
Went out about 10 oclock with Mrs. Peale, took my snow piece to compare it with Harriets to see if I could do anything to improve it. Called at W. Potts saw Ann & Julia both well but Mrs. P. was not well apprhensive of her other Eye requiring to be operated on. Then called to see old Mrs. Potts was surprised to see her so much recovered from her fall as to be able to walk about, she came into the parlour to see us. Elizabeth showed me a number of skeletons of leaves that she had prepared by steeping them in water for a considerable length of time to disengage the pulp from the skeleton by gently disengageing it by the end of a paint brush, and gentle agitation, afterward steeping the leaf in a solution of Chlorate of lime and rinsing with pure water and drying them between the leaves of a book &c. --
Then called at Franklins, Anna showed me her coppey of the snow piece, which was retouched by Mr. Waber who painted the original and let me have it to retouch mine from it. Called to see Joseph Shippen he is much better but looks very bad saw there his Mother and Harriet. While at Mr. Tathams, he was not very well. he received a telegraph from Mrs. Tatham saying that she wouldnot start today from N. Y.
[[underlined]] Thursday 24.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on the snow piece
[[underlined]]Friday 25.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on the snow piece and finished it. The remainder of the day I spent in reading as it has been raining all day.