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January 1864                136
[[underlined]] Saturday 16.[[/underlined]] I finished giving the first coat on one side of the window-shutters of the studio & marys chamber, cleaned and dressed all of Louisias lamps for I found them much out of order. Louisia took Edward to the carrs this morning to go down the country of business, she did intend going to Reading & Phila. today but as E. had business that would keep him absent for a few days she concluded not to go for the present. Her brother [[underlined]] Edward [[/underlined]] came up at noon to stay a little while with her, his father and A. E went to Phila. if she had gon down she would have found the house locked up. Mary found a male Partridge on the roof of the Porch this morning, frozen to deth.
Edward Hubley took this afternoon Louisia & Mary to S. Haven, got a letter from Burd, May still continues unwell, he is still improving in health and will now begin to practice again.
24°. calm, clear. 33°. w calm, clear. 20°. calm w, clear.
Edward when he got to Burds borrow learned that E. Hubley had come up, he then came up this evening, just got home.
[[underlined]] Sunday 17.[[/underlined]] We have had no company. The two Edwards, Louisia & Mary took supper at Benny Potts and I took tea alone here.
12°. calm white frost, clo 8 s w. 37° calm s w, clo 9. 26°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 18.[[/underlined]] Fanny sat to Mary this morning. I put a lock on Marys inner closet and one on Louisias chest, mended her tea-pot that leaked &c. The two Edwards went early this morning to Potte. got home this evening they had a very unpleasant day it raining all day. saw Mrs. Peale & brought me some small wire for me. 
Revd. Mr. Pryers son Frank U S N. came this morning brought a miniature of his mother when she was young for Mary to coppey in oil for him.
32°. calm, Rain. 36°. calm e, Rain. 38°, e, rain.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 19.[[/underlined]] Puttyed up the cracks and holes of the window-shutters of Marys part of the house &c. Skinned the Partridge & in the afternoon Mounted it. Mary was desirous of seeing the whole process of skinning & mounting a bird &c.
39° s e rain 45°. w shower of Hail, clo 9 n w. 32° n w clo. 9 n w.

Transcription Notes:
Name is Burd