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June 1864
[[underlined]] Sunday 19.[[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale is much stronger today she sat up for a little while, had to be lifted to the chair and back to her bed.  We have had no company. 
56°. calm w fog, clo 2 w. 84°. s w clo 2 s w. 67°. calm s e. clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 20. [[/underlined]] I painted a little this morning on Pheasant making it a little darker.
Mrs. and Amilia Pott came this morning to see Mrs. Peale and dined with us.
[[dash underlined]] Jullia Madden [[/dash underlined]] came home in the carrs from Pott[[superscript]]e[[superscript]]. this morning.
Mrs. Peale is stronger today, but didnot set up any.  
59°. calm s w clear.  88°. s w clear. 71°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 21. [[/underlined]]  Mrs. Peale had a good night and is much better has been sitting up a while, and is not the worse for it.
Early this morning Mr. Biddles team came for the Buck-Eye Reaper & mower, we got it all in the wagon. 
This evening Edward came from Philadelphia, Louesia and Fanny are at the farm.
I painted a part of the day on N. 103, worked a little this morning in the garden. Mrs. Donglog worked also and took up the greater part of the Dock roots.
Joseph Patterson came this afternoon to see Mrs. Peale and took his Picture of Apples N. 87 which I painted in 1863 and finished lately for him.
59°. s e hazy clo. 81°. s e hazy clo. n e. 67°. s e clear.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 22.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N 103. Mrs. Peale is much stronger today but has not set up but walked to the lounge with some assistance, she finds her legs very weak.
Mrs. & Sarah Levan called to see Mrs. Peale this morning. 
63°. calm, hazy clo. 81°. calm s w clo 2 s e. 70°. calm s w clear. 
[[underlined]] Thursday 23 [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 102 and in the afternoon on N 103.
Mrs. Peale is improving in strength.
James and Matilda Patterson & children dined with us. He paid me for his picture N. 98. after dinner Mary went with them to Benny Potts, supped there.
[[left margin note]] hot. [[/margin note]] 63°. calm fog. 91°. s w hazy clo. sw. 79°. calm clo 3 w.
[[underlined]] Friday 24. [[/underlined]] Louisia came home in Carrrs at noon from Reading with Fanny, quite well.
Mrs. Peale has not been very smart today, although stronger than yesterday.