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181.    September 1864
[[underlined]]Friday 2.[[/underlined]] George took a load of of baled hay to [[?]] and used the large [[cart?]] in the round trip he only [[pumped?]] over the tongue of the wagon twice, he went rather better than he did yesterday. Albert went to Phil[[superscript]]a[[/superscript]] this afternoon. The Rev.Mr. [[strikethrough]]He[[/strikethrough]] Feltwell called to see us this morning he is our [[?]] at present.
Edward, Harriet, Clarra & Emma all went this evening to the Circus or managery of Van Antwerp & G: S.H. the Elephant pssed here this morning very leisurely his keeper rode on horseback alongside of him, the top of his hat did not come up to the Elephants hump of the back, he is an uncommonly large animal and must be quite olde. Carrie & Susan also went.
66°. calm, clear. 77°. s e. clo 3. w. 66° calm s e, clo 3 w.
[[underlined]]Saturday 3.[[/underlined]] Mrs.Peale is not so well today, had a poor night.
Eddy & Jimmy Patterson came down this afternoon and Emma went home with them.
63°. calm, s e clo 4 s w. 70°, calm s w, clo10 s w. 65°. calm, rain
[[underlined]]Sunday 4.[[/underlined]] Mrs.Peale is much the same as yesterday. Mary thought her better this morning. It has rained all day.
63°. calm & rain. 65°. calm n w rain. 61°. calm n e rain.
[[underlined]]Monday 5.[[/underlined]] Mrs.Peale is no better although mary thinks she is better, I think her very low. This has been another rainy day it rained all night, and continued ever since.
60°. n e rain. 62° n e rain. 58°. n e rain.
[[underlined]]Tuesday 6.[[/underlined]] Mrs.Peale is no better today if anything weaker. James & Matilda came this afternoon to see her. It seased raining soon after dinner.
54°. n e rain. 64° ne clo10 n e. 60°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]]Wednesday 7.[[/underlined]] The Dr. thinks Mrs.Peale better, but I donot think so, she is decidedly weaker today. Edward this morning took Harrich and Clarra to Pott[[superscript]]e[[/superscript]]. they expect to be absent a few days. I wed this morning all the Celery & rows, it is the first time I have worked in the garden for a long time, Amelia Pott came this afternoon to see Mr.Peale. Edward brought this evening from the Carrs Louesia, Fanny and A.E Hubley, the family have had the