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September 1864
[[underlined]] Monday 12.[[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale remained much the same as yesterday until about 12 oclock last night her legs and arms became very cold and with much difficulty they were made warm by rubbing &c.
This morning she breathes very slowly and irrigular can scarcely receive any nourishment, voice and movements very languid. She revived this afternoon untill evening, she now lays very quiet takeing but very little nourishment, I cannot feel any  pulse this evening. breathes very slowly.
Mrs. Beaty called this afternoon to see her or rather to know how she was, didnot go up to see her.
Mrs. Try went home this morning quite sick.
Mary is almost done over. Harriet will be with her tonight. I have had much uneasiness in my chest all yesterday and today, but better tonight. 
52º. calm w clo 2 w. 61º. n w clo 4 n w. 58º. n w, clear n w.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 13th.[[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale continued to become more feeble all day, she revived a little yesterday afternoon and then sunk as before and continued until [[underlined]] half past one oclock this morning and expired without [[strikethrough]] without[[/strikethrough]] the least struggle of any kind.[[/underlined]]
Mary and Harriet was wither her all night.
Edward Telegraphed to Phila. &c to our relations &c.
James & Matilda, came down early, William & Sarah Levan also, Lydia & Eliza Jane, Benny & Mary Pott also came. 
Our Brindle cow was taken very unwell, supposed to be in consequence of eating Buckwheat in a neighbours field.  gave her a pint of caster oil in warm milk, she appears to be better this evening. 
I am much better today than than for 2 weeks past 
55º. calm, clo 9 n w. 69º. n w clo 4 n w. 64º. calm clo 9 n
[[underlined]] Wednesday 14. [[/underlined]] I assisted Mary in arrangeing the Pictures in her Studio and Edwards Parlour this morning 
This afternoon I was rather uncomfortable having taken cold in my head and pain in my chest
Charles came at noon today.
Frederick Patterson came down this afternoon to see us.
[[left margin note]][[?]][[/margin note]] [[underlined]] On looking over my journal I find that Mrs. Peale became seriously unwell on the 15th [/underlined]] of February last.
She was complaining for some time previous.
53º. calm s e. 65º. s w clo 9 s w. 61º. calm s w clo 10.