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[[underlined]] Thursday 15 [[/underlined]]   
I was all the morning arrangeing about the house and cleaning up as almost everything has been neglicted or layed aside for a long time past. 
Brother George, Lydia, Fredericks wife - James & Matilda Mrs. Innis, Mr. & Mrs. Newil and Mrs. Dr. Shippen, William & Sarah Levan, I & M. Mrs. I, dined with us. Mrs. Innis stays all night with us.
Albert came from Phila this evening.
59°. calm s w fog. 73°. n w clo 4 n w. strong w wind all the afternoon. 61°. calm e clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 16. [[/underlined]] While at breakefast Burd, May & Burdie came in his carriage, they lodged at Orwigsburg last night May was fatigued but bore the journey much better than I thought she would they left Holmesburg on Wednesday. Our friends begun to collect early, brother George & Emmy, James, Matilda Eddy, Flora & Jimmy, Mrs. Bennit & Anna, Edward Patterson & wife, Stewart P and wife, Albert.
[[underlined]] Thomas Russel, Howell Fisher, Wm. Whitney, [[blank space to enter name]] Witney [[/underlined]]
Mrs. Mary Morris & sister Elizabet Fisher, William Diebert & wife [[underlined]] Rev. Mr. Zethwell, [[/underlined]] William Levan & Sarah six carriages came from Potte & Herse, we had a part of the service here and moved from here halfpast 12 and got to the Church a little after two oclock, the corpse placed in front of the chancel and the service finished by the Revd. Mr. Lewis & & Mr Zeltwell. The funeral moved to the Prispetarian Burial Ground, and after the funeral Service at the grave by the two clergymen the corpse was interred between my son George & Sister Mary. 26 Carriages attended the funeral,
The family all dined at brother Georges we got home about sundown - Mrs. Innis & A E. Hubley remained at home to keep May & the two grand children company.
Edward Hubley came up from their farm to Potte. came home with us. Mr. & Mrs. Hubley were not well enough to come up.
54°. calm w clear. clouded up in the middle of the day, 59°. calm s e clo 3 n w.
[[underlined]] Saturday 17th. [[/underlined]] Dr. Shannan called to see us this morning. This afternoon Burd took May & Mary to ride, May has been very miserable, this afternoon she felt better than in the morning, she is extremely weak
The two Edwards, Louesia & A.E. Hubley went to Orwigsburg.
51°.  calm dence fog. 72°. s w clo 3 n w. 61°.  calm clo 3 n w.