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187       September 1864.
  [[underlined]]Tuesday 27.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N 104. and a part of the afternoon. 
 Edward, Louesia, Harriet, Clarra & Fanny went this morning to Potte. They left Harriet & Clarra there. got home at dark. i sold the brindle & Red cow for 80 dollars. 
50°. calm fog, clo 1. 77°. calm s w, clo 1 s w. 61°. calm, clear.
 [[underlined]]Wednesday 28.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N.104. principally on the young ones.
Edward got a letter from Burd "Holmesburg Sep 26. "We left yellow house on Saturday & came as far as Whitemarsh, where we staid until this morning when we came home. The journey nearly proved too much for May, and she was glad to get into her own bed again, This [[strikethrough]]morning[[/strikethrough]] evening she is more comfortable than she has been since leaving the farm."
 Edward brought from S. Haven Harriet & Clarra 
54°. calm, clo 5 s w. 68°. calm clo 10 w. 65°. calm clo 9.
  Thursday 29. This morning I nended [[mended]] or soldered several culnery articles & assisted Edward in mending Fanny's cribb &c.
  The day has been so dark that I didnot paint any
  Harriet and Clara went home this afternoon a heavy shower over took them on the road, which lasted but a few minutes.
  Got a letter last evening from Mary saying that she has taken the rooms That Mr. Fael occupied in Walnut street opposite the gate of Independance square
  It is a very eligible situation for a painter if the light is not interfeared with by the trees on the square. 
61°. calm rain n e. 71°. s w rain s w. 70°. s w, clo 9 s w.
 [[underlined]]Friday 29.[[/underlined]] I have been all day cleaning up the various articles about the dining room & and putting them away clean as I am perfectly a lone in the house 
61°. n e rain n w. 58°. n w clo 9 n w. 51°. calm n w, clear. 
[[double underlined]]Saturday October 1st. 1864[[/underlined]] Last night I pasted up Louesias Preserves &  Apple-butter.
  This morning I fixed the Pheasant Case for Mr. [[?]] all but the back, had no white paper suitable to finish it.
  Theadore brought home Mary who came from Phila. to Potte. last evening.